Transnational Environmental Law
Current PhD research- Mr J.-C. Beyers, The legal integration of water and nature interests in spatial planning, in the context of adaptation to climate change (1/03/2013 - 28/02/2015)
- Mr J.A. Boer, The protection of future generations in Dutch Public Law (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2026)
- Mr E. Doorman (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mrs X. Du, Pension funds fiduciary duty and climate change (1/09/2017 - 31/05/2020)
- Mr T.F.M. Etty, Regulating the Coexistence of Agricultural Biotechnology: Towards an Integral Regime for the Coexistence of GMO and Non-GMO Agriculture in the European Union (1/02/2003 - 31/07/2008)
- Mrs J.J. Fu, Managing the environmental aspects of petroleum industry: the legislative way forward for China (1/03/2013 - 29/02/1016)
- Mrs Y. Gao, The Regulation of International Emission Activities in view of Climate Change: Future role of the EU ETS (15/09/2012 - 14/09/2016)
- Mr M.M.W. van Gils, Soil subsidence in Dutch peat meadow ares: policy and decision-making (1/06/2020 - 31/05/2024)
- Mrs N. Harvey, The Role of Law and Policy in Supporting the Implementation of the Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus: An Empirical Legal Study of the Cape Town Metropolitan Region (1/02/2021 - 31/01/2024)
- Mrs K. Kliphuis, De rol van omgevingsrechtelijke bergippen in het aansprakelijkheidsrecht (1/08/2005 - 31/07/2011)
- Mrs M. Koekkoek, Extraterritoriality and unilateral trade-related environmental measures in International Trade Law (15/10/2013 - 14/10/2017)
- Mrs M.L. Lanz, Integrated decision making and innovations in Flood Protection (9/09/2020 - 8/09/2024)
- Mrs A.H. van Luipen, Questioning rights of nature for a more-than-human world (1/01/2023 - 31/12/2028)
- Mrs H. Ma, The management of emergency Incidents: A comparative study on environmental emergency incidents management between EU and China (1/10/2016 - 30/09/2020)
- Mrs S.A. Melchers, Prerequisites and developments in law and governance for innovations in fresh water supply (15/09/2021 - 14/09/2024)
- Mrs M. Melis, Standing up for Common Goods? The Case of Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (1/09/2007 - 31/08/2011)
- Mrs M. Nieves Zárate, Regulation and supervision of offshore oil and gas exploration and production in Colombia (1/08/2017 - 31/07/2021)
- Mr K. Pedrosa, Tackling air pollution: towards an adequate legal protection (1/10/2018 - 30/09/2022)
- Mr E.J.H. Plambeck, Legitimate and Effective Water Management in the European
Union: the Stakeholders Perspective in Times of Proceduralisation (15/10/2013 - 14/10/2016)
- Mrs A.M.C. Polman, Milieurecht en luchtvaart (1/09/1999 - 30/06/2005)
- Mrs J. Richelle, Does the EU suffer from an environmental democratic deficit? Access to information and public participation in environmental decision-making in a comparative perspective (1/02/2021 - 31/01/2025)
- Mrs T. Rotscheid, Water Framework Directive before and after 2027 (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr E. Schoone, Valuing biodiversity in the Flemish law and practice (16/10/2022 - 15/10/2026)
- Mrs D. Sihite, Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulation in Indpnesia: A Case Study in Meratus Mountain Conservation Area, South Kalimantan (1/09/2011 - 31/08/2014)
- Mr L.R.M. Siry, The Paris Agreement and Domestic Climate Change Litigation: Shifting from Vague to Concrete Commitments (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs A. Vanhellemont, Towards an EU environmental code (16/09/2017 - 15/09/2023)
- Mrs Y. Xie, The regulatory enforcement regime of China's national emission trading system (1/02/2022 - 31/01/2026)
- Mrs X. Xu, The Role of the Courts in the Field of Climate Change in China A legal study drawing inspiration from climate litigation developments in other jurisdictions (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2024)
- Mrs T. Xu, Governing Water in China based on Law from the Perspective of Power Structure (1/12/2018 - 30/11/2022)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Mr S.K. Badkas, Informing Metachoice: Adapted Analytical Method for the Choice of Environmental Policy Instruments (Maastricht, 20/11/2014)
- Mrs Dr M.N. Boeve, Het omgevingsrecht van de compacte stad. Het omgevingsrechtelijk instrumentarium voor verdichting en functiemenging in het stedelijk gebied (Amsterdam, 17/03/2017)
- Ms M.M. Bogaart, Flexible directives: towards a better environment? (Amsterdam, 19/10/2017)
- Dr T. Vanden Borre, Efficiënte preventie en compensatie van catastroferisico’s - het voorbeeld van schade door kernongevallen. (Maastricht, 29/06/2001)
- Dr J. de Cendra de Larragán, Distributional choices in climate change policy; in search of a legal framework (Maastricht, 4/03/2010)
- Mrs X. Chen, Towards an integrated environmental permit in China: A legal study based on EU regulatory experiences (Maastricht, 13/01/2023)
- Mr K. de Cock, Milieueffectenrapportering als instrument van milieubeleid en -recht binnen de EU: onderzoek van de project-mer-, plan-mer- en habitatrichtlijn met het oog op een versterking van de juridische bescherming van het leefmilieu (Leuven, 30/10/2007)
- Mrs Dr L. Cortat, Plastic pollution of the oceans: Could or should corporations be a part of the solution? Is CSR more than greenwashing? (Maastricht, 11/06/2020)
- Mrs Dr L. Dai, Eco-compensation for watersheds in China (Utrecht, 6/07/2015)
- Dr M. Delnoy, Contribution à la restructuration du droit de la participation du public en droit de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement (Liège, 9/11/2006)
- Mrs W.J. van Doorn-Hoekveld, Distributional Effects of EU Flood Risk Management and the Law. The Netherlands, Flanders and France as case studies (Utrecht, 29/01/2018)
- Mrs H. Du, An international legal framework for geoengineering (Amsterdam, 9/12/2016)
- Mr W. Duan, The international legal regime relating to marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction (Utrecht, 11/05/2021)
- Mrs Dr F.M. Fleurke, Unpacking Precaution. A Study on the Application of the Precautionary Principle in the European Union (Amsterdam, 9/02/2012)
- Prof H.K. Gilissen, Governmental responsibility for adaptation to climate change (Utrecht, 8/11/2013)
- Mrs Dr Y.M. Gordeeva, Forests under international Climate Change Law (Hasselt, 23/10/2017)
- Dr F.T. Groenewegen, Wetsinterpretatie en Rechtsvorming. Een rechtstheoretisch onderzoek naar wetsinterpretatie en rechtsvorming door de rechter in het bestuursrecht en het privaatrecht (Amsterdam, 13/04/2006)
- Mr S. van Hees, Innovative Ocean Renewable Energy & EU Law: Towards the Integration of the EU’s Environmental, Economic and Renewable Energy Policy Areas (Utrecht, 14/12/2018)
- Mr T. Heldt, Nuclear Liability in the European Legal Framework (Maastricht, 28/10/2015)
- Mrs Dr R.A. Hoenkamp, Safeguarding EU policy aims and requirements in smart grid standardization (Amsterdam, 17/04/2015)
- Dr T. Iliopoulos, Formulating a legal framework for support schemes for renewable energy in the EU (Hasselt, 29/10/2021)
- Dr A.M. Keessen, Mutual recognition of administrative decisions (Utrecht, 27/03/2009)
- Prof J.J.H. van Kempen, The European river basin approach and cross-border water management (Utrecht, 16/11/2012)
- Dr D. Korsse, General rules in the Dutch Spatial planning act (Utrecht, 9/01/2015)
- Ms E.V. Kosolapova, Liability for Climate Change (Amsterdam, 16/03/2013)
- Mrs A. Kovács, Against all odds. Mobilization for large-scale collective action and the case of climate change (Rotterdam, 15/12/2024)
- Mrs C.-C. Lan, A law and economics analysis of policy iinstruments to prevent deforstation and forest degradation in the tropics (Rotterdam, 24/05/2019)
- Mrs Dr J. Liu, On The Establishment of Compensation System for Ecological Damage in China (Maastricht, 27/06/2013)
- Mrs A. Liu, Legal principles in co-existence of GM and non GM crops from the perspective of the European Union and the USA (Maastricht, 22/02/2019)
- Mrs M. Lu, The legal and market regulation of green economy in China: a multiple analysis on corporate environmental responsibility (Maastricht, 18/09/2017)
- Mrs M.E.D. Matthee, The Codex Alimentarius Commission and its standards (Maastricht, 26/10/2007)
- Dr R. Mellenbergh, Environmental liability with respect to corporate mergers and acquisitions (Amsterdam, 27/03/2009)
- Dr M.N. Müller, Transparent Enforcement: Access to information related to the monitoring and enforcement of EU environmental law (Maastricht, 28/06/2022)
- Mrs Dr S.A. Nóbrega, EU climate law through the lens of the Aarhus Convention: Access to environmental information and public participation in EU climate change decision making (Maastricht, 28/10/2020)
- Mr M. Piri Damagh, State responsibility in pollution caused as result of Transboundary Gas pipeline (Maastricht, 2/12/2015)
- Mrs S.T. Ramnewash-Oemrawsingh, Human Rights and the Environment: dealing with environmental issues in a human rights setting (Amsterdam, 18/11/2008)
- Mrs Prof L.S. Reins, The Coherent Regulation of Energy and Environment in the European Union, using Shale Gas as a Case-study (Leuven, 11/12/2015)
- Dr D. Roef, Strafbare Overheden; een rechtsvergelijkende studie naar de strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van overheden voor milieuverstoring (Maastricht, 27/06/2001)
- Mr T.J. de Römph, Identifying the legal opportunities and obstacles to sustainable materials (Leuven, 23/06/2018)
- Mrs V. Ross, Company reflexivity for plastics circularity: The transformative potential of reflexive environmental legislation in the EU (Wageningen, 9/04/2024)
- Mrs K. de Smedt, Environmental Liability in a Federal System. A Law and Economics Analysis (Maastricht, 19/12/2007)
- Mrs C. Suykens, The European legal framework for quantitative water management in international River Basin Districts: racing to the top (Leuven, 2/10/2017)
- Mr F. Tchoca, The contribution of environment pénal law for repressive attainment in environnment in Bénin positif law (Maastricht, 15/11/2012)
- B. Vanheusden, Brownfields Redevelopment: naar een duurzame stadsontwikkeling. Rechtsvergelijkende analyse betreffende de sanering van sites (Leuven, 10/05/2007)
- Mrs Dr M.J.C. Visser, Zorgplichtbepalingen in het strafrecht (Maastricht, 30/03/2001)
- Mrs Dr E.M. Vogelezang-Stoute, Bestrijdingsmiddelenrecht. Een rechtsvergelijking (Amsterdam, 29/06/2004)
- Dr J. Voorter, A circular building sector without any gaps: In which way facilitateshampers Belgian legislation the transition to a circular building sector? (Hasselt, 26/06/2023)
- Ms H.G. Wang, Civil liability for marine oil pollution (Rotterdam, 27/01/2011)
- Dr S. Weishaar (20/12/2007)
- Mr P.E. Wennerås, EC Environmental law in national and community courts (Amsterdam, 26/10/2006)
- Mr M.R.A.G. Wibisana, The Precautionary Principle: An Economic Analysis (Maastricht, 25/04/2008)
- Dr H. Yu, Salvors reward and liability for environmental services in salvage operations (Maastricht, 16/11/2023)
- Ms T. Yue, Harmonization and differentiation in environmental regulation: The EU experiences and its learning points for the international level (Maastricht, 30/06/2016)
- Mrs Prof J.A.W. van Zeben, The EU Emission Trading Scheme: A Law and Economics Tale of Multi-level governance, Implementation and Enforcement (Amsterdam, 11/05/2012)
PhD Projects by Programme