Current PhD Research
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - ZA
- Mr K.S.A. van Abswoude, Indirect Taxation of Cross-Border Supply Chains (1/07/2022 - 30/06/2028)
- Mrs L. Van Acker, E-Distribution - Towards a vertical agreements framework fit for an environmentally sustainable and digital economy (2/01/2020 - 31/12/2023)
- Mrs E.Y.R. Adriaens, The executor of the last will (1/10/2012 - 30/09/2018)
- P. Aertgeerts, The relationship between primary law and secondary law on the fundamental right to data protection in the European Union (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2023)
- Mr J. Akkermans, Insolvency of banks and governments: An integrated constitutional and economics analysis of those mechanisms that smother the triggers to insolvency of banks and governments (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs O. Al Khatib, Regulating supra-individual algorithmic decision-making in the public sector (1/06/2022 - 31/05/2026)
- Mr D. Alessi, Obligations of best means and 'Obligations de résultat' in European Contract Law
- Mr C.F. Anguita Oyarzún, The consequences of the new tax treaty General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) in International and Domestic Tax Law of Latin American Countries (15/01/2019 - 14/01/2023)
- Mrs E.M.S. Apers, Free movement of judgments. Towards a global judicial area? (1/10/2013 - 30/09/2017)
- Mr G. Arnokouros, Transfer risk in the sales contract (1/10/1999 - 30/08/2003)
- Mrs R. Aroso Duarte, The emergence of judicial passivism at the CJEU? In particular, the case-law on environmental protection and migration and asylum (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs V.S. Azizi, The role of law in the legitimation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting Frameworks (1/12/2019 - 1/06/2024)
- Mrs G. Bajrami, The intersection of international commercial arbitration and corporate social responsibility (1/03/2021 - 28/02/2025)
- Mrs Dr M.H.C. Bakker, The role of shareholders in corporate sustainability (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs D.C.M. Barnhoorn, In between administrations: Deployment of liaison officers and competing claims of jurisdiction in European Law (1/01/2017 - 31/12/2020)
- Mrs W.J. Bartstra, Comparative analysis of the regulation of distressed debt investment practices (1/09/2019 - 30/09/2025)
- Mrs A. Bazrafkan, Do international investment agreements promote good governance in developing countries? (1/06/2017 - 31/05/2021)
- Mr C. Bedir, Contractual fairness in the data economy (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Mrs T. Beekhuis, Accountability (criminal and administrative) of gatekeepers (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs R.B. Beems, The impact of institutional design on convergence of EU substantive law. A study into the growing convergence of the laws on free and fair competition, consumer protection and data protection. (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2021)
- Mrs P. Van Belle, Qualification problems of partnerships used for wealth planning (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr G. Bellenghi, EU emergency law and the constitutional design of EU competence (1/08/2023 - 31/07/2027)
- Mr S.H.W.A. Bemelmans, Obstacles for the cross-border administration of foreign pension schemes between the Netherlands and Belgium: a legal comparative analysis (1/01/2019 - 31/12/2022)
- Mr E.E. van Bemmelen van Gent, Wat is een goed jurist in 2030? (1/01/2016)
- Ms Y.M. Bérénos, Childrens residence arrangements after divorce and their consequences (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mrs K.J.S. Berg, Disclosure of information to shareholders (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Mr Y.C. van de Berg, Consumer bias in sustainable consumption: debiasing consumers towards a sustainable future (2/09/2019 - 1/09/2023)
- Mrs A.V.J. van Beusekom, Regulation of FinTech (12/03/2019 - 11/03/2023)
- Mr J.-C. Beyers, The legal integration of water and nature interests in spatial planning, in the context of adaptation to climate change (1/03/2013 - 28/02/2015)
- Mrs M.C. Bijl, Strict compliance (1/09/2007 - 31/08/2011)
- Mr M.N.A. Bin M Fuad, Protection against unfair contract terms for gig economy prticipants under Malaysian and European law: Case study on online food delivery services (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs E. De Block, Pledge of shares (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mr R. Bloemink, A legal-economic explanation of property law (1/05/2021 - 30/04/2025)
- Mrs B. Bocken, The LULUCF Regulation: an examination of the practical application of the LULUCF Regulation using comparative law analysis (16/09/2023 - 15/09/2027)
- Mr J.A. Boer, The protection of future generations in Dutch Public Law (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2026)
- Mrs A. Boes, Negotiating Shareholder disputes (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr T. Bonne, Charity and economy? Rethinking the income taks treatment of mixed non-profit associations (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2023)
- Ms T.Q. de Booys, Rationality in European Contract Law (1/09/2009 - 31/08/2013)
- Mrs E. Börjedal, The Multilevel Governance of EU Fundamental Rights: the Division of Competences between the EU and its Member States (7/01/2019 - 6/01/2022)
- Mrs D. Bos, Company Groups and Parent Company Liability (15/02/2013 - 14/01/2016)
- Mrs R.S.M. Bosch, Medical self-determination in liability law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr D. Bosscher, Octrooirecht
- Ms L.C.M. Brekhof, Rules on Economic Proof (1/11/2008 - 31/10/2012)
- Mrs M. Breskaya, Towards models of integration of smart contracts into traditional concepts of European contract law (1/07/2022 - 30/06/2026)
- Mr. M.Th. de Bruin, De EU langs de federale meetlat (1/09/2014 - 31/08/2018)
- Mrs M. Buddenbaum, Towards a non-adversarial resolution of (post-)separation conflicts involving children: Children first! (2/09/2019 - 1/09/2023)
- Mrs L. Bueken, Association vs company (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mr A. Van Caenegem, The challenges for company law caused by the rise of proxy advisors (1/10/2019 - 30/09/2023)
- Mrs A. Cassiers, Towards a right to a perfect child? (1/10/2017 - 30/09/2023)
- Mrs G. Chapoupi, The role of European competition law in an IoT-enabled world. (1/12/2024 - 30/11/2029)
- Mrs C. Charisi, Composite administrative procedures in European administrative law and the quest for effective judicial protection: the case of Protected Destinations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications (1/04/2022 - 31/03/2026)
- Mrs X. Chen, Party autonomy in international commercial arrbitration - a comparative study of law and practice in China and Europe (1/09/2013 - 31/08/2017)
- Mr X. Chen, Cross-Border Insolvency and Employee Rights (24/04/2011 - 24/06/2015)
- Mr G.F. Chianale, WTO-compatibility of state measures affecting the importation and exportation of oil and gas (1/10/2008 - 30/09/2012)
- Mr L.T. Chisaira, Climate change, micro-finance and economic law: Legal frameworks, challenges, and opportunities for sustainable financial inclusion in the Anthropocene (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs S. Chobanova, The WTO and the Brics: towards a transnational legal culture? (1/11/2012 - 31/10/2016)
- Mr M.F. Claes, The validity of exemption clauses: towards an integrated, efficient and fair regime (1/10/2019 - 30/09/2023)
- Mrs S. Claes, Legal position of patients and relatives in (mental) health care (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs E. De Clercq, The right to property and environmental protection, towards true integration? (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr R.A.B. Cobussen-Schreuder, Property law on the North Sea (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs C.V. Colonna, Sustainable EU agri-food law: critical perspectives (2/10/2023 - 30/09/2027)
- Mrs N. Colpaert, Mergers and abuse of dominance (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Dr F. Coman Kund (31/08/2013)
- Mrs G. Cooreman, Applying VAT to the space industry (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr A. Cordina, Funding and who decides? Third party litigation funding in Europe (1/12/2020 - 15/02/2025)
- Mrs E. Couperus, How strong is a right? Economic liberties as basic fundamental rights and principles of European Union law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr A. Cuomo, What role for the ECBs monetary policymaking in the EU green transition? The ECBs institutional evolution between legal orthodoxy and economic contingencies (15/09/2022 - 14/09/2026)
- Mr T. De Cuyper, Foreign Direct Investment Screening and the Commitment to Maintain an Open Investment Climate (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr P. Daem, The Entrenchment of Economic Freedom (15/10/2020 - 14/10/2024)
- Mrs S. Daniels, Crisis management in Europe: emergency powers of European and national supervisors during times of crisis at the financial markets (1/09/2011 - 29/02/2016)
- Mrs M.-L. Degroote, Abandonment of property rights (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs J. Deklerck, Child Maintenance (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs E. Delavari, Citizenship and Statelessness in Iran (1/05/2016 - 30/04/2020)
- Mr R. Della Pia, Towards a European Health Union? The role of EU agencies in fostering EU health law (1/11/2021 - 31/10/2024)
- Mrs C. Deprez, Legal research on preventive health policy (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mrs S. Dethier, Dynamic multi-party proceedings (1/09/2023 - 31/07/2029)
- Mrs J.E. Devilee, Reassessment of the division of powers between the governing bodies of the corporation (1/10/2018 - 30/09/2022)
- Mr A.P.F. Devis, Using law to sustainably balance the expansion of offshore renewable energies in the North Sea: A panacea or utopia? (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr E. Doorman (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mr D.T.G. Droshout, De regulering van hoogtechnologische activiteiten in de 'risicomaatschappij'. Het samenspel van juridische instrumenten, technische voorschriften en standaarden in een complexe “regulerende mix”. (1/08/2007 - 31/12/2010)
- Mrs V. Druţă, Artificial intelligence in the judiciary (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs X. Du, Pension funds fiduciary duty and climate change (1/09/2017 - 31/05/2020)
- Mrs N. Dube, Demarginalizing Intersectionality within Non-Discrimination Law: Critically Analysing the EU Single-Axis Non-Discrimination Framework (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr C.H. Dybus, The hidden need(s) of investors in European Collective Redress processes (1/09/2016 - 31/08/2020)
- Mrs N.H.M. Ebbs, Towards sustainable consumer law (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mr S.B.J. Van Eekert, Environmental fear damage from an interdisciplinary perspective (1/10/2021 - 24/09/2031)
- Mrs M.H. El-Kaddouri, Law, sustainibility and critical race theory (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs E.S. Engelhard, Improving the Process of Handling Personal Injury Claims in the Netherlands: A Comparative Research (1/09/2014 - 31/08/2018)
- Mr A.T. Erdogan, Penalty clauses in cvil law and common law: A comparative analysis with special reference to harmonisation (9/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs O.F. Essens, Handhaving van omgevingsrecht in de Europese Unie. De bestuursrechtelijke and strafrechtelijke handhaving van omgevingsrecht in Nederland, Engeland en Wales en Duitsland in het licht van de Europese normen voor de handhaving (15/02/2002 - 31/01/2009)
- Mr M.G. van Esterik, Nature-based solutions: Negative emissions and biodiversity restoration (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr T.F.M. Etty, Regulating the Coexistence of Agricultural Biotechnology: Towards an Integral Regime for the Coexistence of GMO and Non-GMO Agriculture in the European Union (1/02/2003 - 31/07/2008)
- Mrs B.O. Eze, The role of private documents in structuring global value chains for policy objectives: A socio-legal perspective (2/09/2024 - 1/09/2028)
- Mrs I. Gambardella, Refining the scope of application of EU fundamental rights in light of the diversification of EU law sources (1/11/2022 - 31/10/2026)
- Mrs Y. Gao, The Regulation of International Emission Activities in view of Climate Change: Future role of the EU ETS (15/09/2012 - 14/09/2016)
- Ms C.I. Garcia, Decision Making in Consumer and Mortgage Credit Transactions: Insights from Cognitive Psychology and Analysis on the Efficacy of European Information Remedies Policy Trends in Order to Improve Quality of Contractual Choice (15/04/2009 - 14/04/2013)
- Ms V. Gasca, The individual between the State and the EU: Nationals, Foreigners and European Citizenship (1/02/2009 - 31/01/2013)
- Mr M. Geerardyn, Sustainability: Product eco design (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs Y. Gerber, Corporate concentration in the food system: Exploring Ubuntu in private law (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs E. Geurink, De staatsrechtelijke positie van de ambtenaar in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief (1/05/2003 - 30/04/2007)
- Mrs N. Gibbs, Taxation, global mobility, and equality: building a common understanding for the taxation of highly skilled and wealthy migrants from an international perspective (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr M.M.W. van Gils, Soil subsidence in Dutch peat meadow ares: policy and decision-making (1/06/2020 - 31/05/2024)
- Mr J. Goco, An economic analysis of the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism (1/01/2005 - 31/12/2008)
- Mr P.D. van Goinga (1/09/2019 - 30/07/2023)
- Mrs M. Gold, The involvement of the European Parliament and national parliaments in the Economic and Monetary Union in times of the Euro crisis (1/05/2013 - 30/04/2017)
- Mrs F. Gorissen, Preventive remedies and anticipatory sanctions (16/09/2024 - 31/08/2030)
- Mrs M.B. Gracia, Rethinking the international law framework for the transition of developing countries to an inclusive circular economy in plastics (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mrs A. De Grave, Social sustainability and social labels (23/09/2024 - 22/09/2028)
- Mrs I.C.P. Groenland, Related party transactions in corporate law. A comparative law study in European context (1/10/2018 - 30/09/2022)
- Mrs M. de Groot, Compensation for costs of care. Challenges at the interface of civil liability law and the public health care system (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2024)
- Dr J. Gruyters, The legal anatomy of the social market economy. Framing supplementary pensions in EU competition and internal market law (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs A.-K. Habbig, The capability approach and access to justice - Mapping and developing legal capabilities to advance the access to justice of community-dwelling older people (14/04/2020 - 13/04/2025)
- Mrs A. Halilovic, EU integrated border management: shared competences, shared responsibility, or shared administration? (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs A.L. Hardy, The EUs response to Mixed Migration movements policy making at a crossroad between Human Rights or migration management and border control (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mrs S.A.M. Harleman, Intelligence and Law (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs N. Harvey, The Role of Law and Policy in Supporting the Implementation of the Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus: An Empirical Legal Study of the Cape Town Metropolitan Region (1/02/2021 - 31/01/2024)
- Mrs T.A. Hekster, De aansprakelijkheid voor onroerende zaken - artt. 6:162 en 6:174 BW nader belicht (1/05/2000 - 31/12/2008)
- Mr K. Heller, Cross-Border Liability of Sub-Contracting Chains (1/10/2015 - 30/09/2018)
- Mrs A. Hendricks, Beyond employment: reshaping reconciliation policies through a childrens rights perspective in the EU legal
order (1/10/2020 - 30/09/2022)
- Mr D. Heymans, The CumEx Files: The Billion-Euro Scandal That Shook Europe (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr P. Heynen, The conflicting mandates of the European Central Bank (1/10/2021 - 25/09/2031)
- Mrs T.A. Hill, The democratic dimensions of the EU collaborative economy ecosystem: private law challenges and solutions (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Mrs G.A. Hindriks, Uniform European passenger protection regardless the mode of transport (1/11/2018 - 31/10/2024)
- Mr C.O. Hoekstra, Societal norm formation and its influence on the unwritten duty of care under Article 6:162 section 2 of the Dutch Civil Code (1/04/2020 - 30/04/2024)
- Mrs L. Hofkens, The right to respect for family life within child protection: a legal and empirical review (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr R. Hollemans, Cross-border company group restructurings (2/10/2017 - 31/12/2019)
- Mrs Dr B.M. Holligan, The Remedies of the Owner in Scots Law (14/09/2010 - 13/09/2013)
- Mr B.P. Honnebier, Leasing codificatie van een nieuw commercieel financieringscontract noodzakelijk?
- Mrs A.J. Hoogenboom, Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/08/2022 - 31/07/2026)
- Mrs N. van der Horst, The transformative potential of the corporate social purpose (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2024)
- Mrs A. Houben, Effective interim relief? A doctrinal and empirical study of interim relief in the context of large-scale construction projects (1/09/2015 - 31/08/2018)
- Mrs F. De Houwer, Comparative research regarding financial regulation (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs L.H.L. Hu, Reshaping the law on parentage (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mr W.-C. Huang, Judicial Review of Science-Based Measures by the European Courts: Problems and Solutions (1/11/2011 - 31/10/2013)
- Mrs D. Huang, The Expansive Application of Rules of Transboundary Harm beyond International Environmental Law (30/08/2021 - 30/06/2025)
- Mrs M.L.W. Hubers, The protection of social rights in the context of cross-border company mobility in Europe (15/08/2019 - 14/08/2023)
- Mrs M. Huijzer, Improving the legal status of informal families (1/01/2024 - 31/12/2027)
- Mrs L.M.F. Hummel, Disruptive technologies and the impact on Modern Bigness: how should European competition law respond? (1/08/2020 - 31/07/2024)
- Mrs M. Jaarsma, Unificatie van het internationaal privaatrecht op het gebied van erfrecht en relatievermogensrecht in de 15 oudste EU-lidstaten
- Mr S. Jafari, Contractum trinius revised (1/04/2013 - 31/03/2014)
- Mrs E.H.M. Janssen, Ageing in Europe: fiscal stimulans for retirement and sustainable employability. Subtitle: solidary collective pensionsystem with flexibility for the stimulation of workforce participation (1/09/2011 - 31/08/2017)
- Mrs A.A.A. Janssen, Perceived procedural justice and procedural difficulies of vulnerble litigants in civil procedure (1/02/2022 - 31/01/2026)
- Mrs C. Jaspers, Towards mandatory ADR in separations. An approach de lege lata and de lege ferenda (18/09/2017 - 17/09/2021)
- Mr K. Jayaraman, Test Data Protection in India-Understanding and interpreting Articles 39 (1), (2) and (3) of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement ) and correlating the same with (a) evolving dimensions in Life Sciences R&D (3/07/2012 - 2/07/2016)
- Mrs I. Jennekens, Towards an international legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring: Evidence from law and economics, and debates on country classification (1/06/2023 - 31/05/2024)
- Mrs L. Jeremiasova, Safeguarding stakeholder interests in corporate decision-making (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs K. Jiang, Intellectual property provisions in mega-regional trade agreements in the perspective of food security (5/09/2023 - 4/09/2027)
- Mrs M. Jiang, Online advertising services and exploitative abuse the data economy. A law and economic perspective (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs Y.Y. Jing, China and the Oceans Order From an International Law Perspective (1/09/2013 - 31/08/2017)
- Mrs A.M. de Jong, Towards a better cultural heritage protection and regulation of the art market: A critical assessment of Regulation 2019880 on the import of cultural goods into the EU and the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (15/11/2020 - 14/11/2024)
- Mrs A. Joppe, The compatibility of labour law protection with algorithmic management (1/02/2022 - 31/01/2028)
- Mr S. Kalders, The legal protection of insects: discrepancy between ecological needs and protection priorities (16/09/2023 - 15/09/2027)
- Mrs M. Kappé, Roles and drivers of (dis)trust in judicial cooperation in the area of freedom, security and justice: a socio-legal inquiry (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mr T.A.J. Kelder, Comparing commerical and political advertising laws applicable to human ads on social media platforms (1/02/2023 - 31/01/2027)
- Mrs N. Kerinc, Robots replacing high-taxed labor: safeguarding tax revenu (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs S. Kerssies, The Dutch Public Prosecution Service and high and unusual out-of-court settlements (1/10/2019 - 30/09/2023)
- Mrs L.C.W.M. van Kessel, Effectieve redressering van schendingen van art. 6 EVRM in het burgerlijk procesrecht (1/01/2012 - 31/12/2015)
- Mr O. Kirman, The Legal Transplant of Boilerplate Contract Clauses: Copy-Paste or Error? (15/09/2016 - 14/09/2020)
- Mrs S. Kitsou, Social media platforms challenging EU fundamental rights protection: The need for an effective response to online hate speech (15/09/2021 - 14/09/2025)
- Mr K. Klinger, The rule of law in private regulatory settings within the EU context: Developing a constitutional-proof institutional design for private regulatory mechanisms at Union level (1/10/2016 - 31/07/2020)
- Mrs K. Kliphuis, De rol van omgevingsrechtelijke bergippen in het aansprakelijkheidsrecht (1/08/2005 - 31/07/2011)
- Mr L. Knuth, Legality review of EU decisions based on regulatory expert knowledge (1/05/2023 - 30/04/2029)
- Mrs A.P. Koburg, The single member company and a group of companies in European perspective (1/03/2014 - 29/02/2020)
- Mrs M. Koekkoek, Extraterritoriality and unilateral trade-related environmental measures in International Trade Law (15/10/2013 - 14/10/2017)
- Mr J. Koopman, Sharing nature and its biodiversity claims (1/11/2002 - 30/10/2006)
- Mr L. Kopecký, The Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement (31/07/2013)
- Mr P. Kort, Transnationale rechtshandhaving in het bank-, beurs- en verzekeringswezen (1/09/1999 - 30/09/2004)
- Mrs L. Kostense, The assessment framework of judges and the short- and long-term effects on parents and children in legal cases in which parents relocate after divorce (1/05/2021 - 30/04/2025)
- Mrs D. Kotova, Advancing the role of competition law to address the challenges of digitalization in global value chains (1/09/2024 - 31/05/2028)
- Mrs B. Kramer, The principle of fixation: a drawbridge between private law and bankruptcy law (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs J. Kremmel, The Swiss - Austrian cross-border insolvency proceedings (1/07/2012 - 31/12/2013)
- Mrs H.M.A. van der Kroef, Multilingual Legal Knowledge Graphs to assist in EU Law-Making (20/09/2020 - 19/09/2024)
- Mrs D.S. Kroese, Zorgvuldigheidsnormen en zorgplichten in het buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheidsrecht (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs K. Kryczka, Principles of Contract Law and the Information Society (8/04/2002 - 7/04/2006)
- Mrs E.W. Kuijper, Safeguarding client assets relating to derivatives (1/02/2013 - 31/08/2015)
- Mrs H.H.B. Lahaije, State aid and the energy transition (4/09/2023 - 3/09/2027)
- Mrs L.F. Lalíková, Modern Bigness: Challenges for European Competition Law (MOBI) (1/08/2020 - 31/07/2024)
- Mrs S.E.A. von Landenberg, Strengthening social Europe: The potential of the (revised) European social charter in furthering social rights in EU law (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2030)
- Mrs K.M. Landman, The functional waterboard in transition. Innovative ideas from the institutional design of water management. Inspiration from current practices (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Mrs M.L. Lanz, Integrated decision making and innovations in Flood Protection (9/09/2020 - 8/09/2024)
- Mr A.G.S. Laschet, The application of EU-law on cross-border healthcare in the Netherlands: a legal and empirical analysis (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs B.J. de Leeuw, Legal instruments for nature restoration (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs J.G.E. van Leeuwen, Pension funds and prudence in investments (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2013)
- Mrs S.C.L. Lemmer, EU standards for judicial appointments. A clarification, revision and further development of EU legal requirements (1/03/2023 - 18/02/2027)
- Mrs A. de Leo, EUs Shifting Borders- Scrutinizing Externalization of Migration Management and International Protection Responsibilities (15/06/2020 - 14/06/2024)
- Mrs S.J. Liefers, The social enterprise and its investor (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr C. Lilburn, The historical development of a core of trustee duties in Scots law (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2021)
- Mrs X. Lin, The copyright protection of fictional characters (1/09/2016 - 31/05/2020)
- Mr Y. Lorans, Fundamental rights review of EU legislative acts (1/07/2017 - 30/09/2021)
- Mr Q.H. Lu, Institutional interaction in areas beyond national jurisdiction: From institutional fragmentation to ocean governance (1/05/2024 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs A.H. van Luipen, Questioning rights of nature for a more-than-human world (1/01/2023 - 31/12/2028)
- Mr L. Luo, Regional Harmonisation of Contract Law in Europe and Asia (1/09/2013 - 31/08/2017)
- Mr J. Luque Lora, The rise of conditionality in the EU. Towards a new constitutional model? (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr A. Lympikis, From practice to theory; Understanding the procedure(s) for preliminary references as a means to revisit the CJEU-national courts dialogue (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs H. Ma, The management of emergency Incidents: A comparative study on environmental emergency incidents management between EU and China (1/10/2016 - 30/09/2020)
- Mrs C.S. Macdonald-Mulvihill, Donation in Scots Law (18/09/2019 - 31/12/2022)
- Mr Y. Makes, Disclosure under Indonesian Securities Law as protection for public shareholders in the takeover of an Indonesian publicity listed company. Respones to the existing rules and trends on disclosures in developed securities laws (1/01/2010 - 31/12/2014)
- Mrs E. Malathouni, How to Free and Restrain Sovereign Wealth Funds?: the Role of Law in Striking a Balance (1/03/2010 - 28/02/2014)
- Mr A. Marcia, A union of equality: LGBTIQA+ equality in the European Union (20/11/2023 - 19/11/2029)
- Ms N. Marocchi, Age discrimination in employment: the EU perspective applied in the law of the Member States? (16/09/2011 - 15/06/2017)
- Mrs D.L. Martínez Lorenzo, The impact of public procurement law on horizontal and vertical teaming of economic operators in construction projects. Reconciling effective and undistorted competition and the free market (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Ms P.P.E. van Marwijk, (In)coordination regarding taxation and social security in the field of hiring-out of labour in Europe (1/09/2008 - 31/08/2012)
- Mrs M. Massant, State Aid (1/10/2021 - 25/09/2031)
- Mr D. van Maurik, Risk regulation through non-contractual liability law in the context of climate change (15/05/2021 - 14/05/2025)
- Mrs C. De Meeus, Towards European rules on responsible litigation funding. Third party for profit litigation funding (1/10/2023 - 31/03/2027)
- Mrs I. Meijer-Wagenaar, Beloning van bestuurders en commissarissen (1/04/2002 - 31/03/2009)
- Mrs S.A. Melchers, Prerequisites and developments in law and governance for innovations in fresh water supply (15/09/2021 - 14/09/2024)
- Mrs M. Melis, Standing up for Common Goods? The Case of Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (1/09/2007 - 31/08/2011)
- Mrs N. Menten, The position of parents in youth care and youth justice law
Description: (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs G.E. Mercangöz-Ploeger, Assignment of claims: A comparative study under Turkish, Dutch and English law and the principles of European contract law (PECL) (1/01/2004 - 31/12/2008)
- Mr P.J.T. Mertens, Towards a tier-focussed regulation for work-related pensions in a changing labour market (1/10/2020 - 30/11/2022)
- Mrs M. Meulebrouck, Principles of good citizenship in administrative law (1/10/2018 - 30/09/2022)
- Mrs L.I. van der Meulen, Litigating for Fundamental Rights in Europe: why (not) before the Court of Justice of the European Union? (15/10/2020 - 14/10/2024)
- Mrs D. De Meyst, The division of the burden of proof and the deterrence of legal sanctions for discrimination in employment: building a legal framework for the enforcement of non-discrimination law through (comparative) case law analysis (1/10/2020 - 30/09/2024)
- Mr B. Michel, Divergences in Constitutional Approaches in Europe: The Remuneration of Members of Parliament (1/09/2012 - 31/12/2016)
- Mr W.F. Mingelen, The welfare state in Dutch constitutional culture (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs M. Moerman, Whats in a name? Challenging early modern ideal-types of private partnerships in the Low Countries (17th-18th centuries) (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2021)
- Mrs J. Montero Regules, Freedom of expression endangered in the digital age? A critical legal analysis of the regulation of online hate speech in Europe (1/10/2019 - 30/09/2023)
- Mr G. Moschetti, The principle of proportionality in EC tax law (1/01/2006 - 30/06/2009)
- Mrs C.S.A. Mulder, Alternatieven voor tuchtrecht (23/03/2009 - 22/03/2013)
- Mr M.L. Munu, Trade negotiations and e-commerce: An analysis of their impact for micro, small and medium enterprises growth in African countries (1/11/2019 - 31/10/2023)
- Mrs S. Mutluer, Improved strategies for concluding contracts in the framework of European public procurement law procedures (1/07/2007 - 31/12/2010)
- Mrs N. Naina, Balancing the quality of patents with effective enforcement of invalidity claims in the pharmaceutical industry in Europe (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2020)
- Mrs H.W.R. Nakad-Weststrate, The first legal copy of the notarial reporting deed as enforceable verdict in the civil proceedings before e-Court (1/04/2009 - 6/09/2013)
- Mrs D.R. Natakusumah, The liberalization aand the need of Emergency Safeguard Mechanism for developing member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (1/09/2008 - 31/08/2012)
- Mrs A. Neacsu, Circular economy in the textile industry (1/10/2024 - 30/09/2028)
- Mrs M. Neekilappillai, The attractiveness of Dutch contract law for cross-border business-to-business transactions (1/03/2016 - 28/02/2022)
- Mrs L. Neven, The multi-layered nature of sustainability regulations (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs D. Nidel, Joint Investigation Teams - Effective Institutions for Cross-border Law Enforcement? (1/02/2021 - 31/01/2025)
- Mrs R. Nieuwboer, Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs M. Nieves Zárate, Regulation and supervision of offshore oil and gas exploration and production in Colombia (1/08/2017 - 31/07/2021)
- Mrs D. Nikolakopoulou, Institutional inefficiency as a violation of international and EU law on workplace sexual harassment (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs G. Noordeloos, Shaping sustainable consumption: Leveraging contract law to encourage business-driven consumer engagement in the repair and reuse of clothes (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Ms W. Noordhoek, Fair trade and ethical labels in the European Union and the WTO -what regulatory design? (1/10/2010 - 30/09/2014)
- Mr P. Notermans, Data security mechanisms: the ideal concept bridging the gap between legal data minimisation requirements and big data? (1/01/2019 - 31/12/2023)
- Mr W.T. Nuninga, Norm relativity and election of private law remedies (1/09/2016 - 31/08/2022)
- Ms A.O. Ognean, Case management in English, French and Dutch Civil Litigation Compared (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mrs N.R. Okany, State Responsibility in International Law for Unlawful Conduct of Quasi-Public and Private Entities Exercising Governmental Authority (1/01/2013 - 31/05/2017)
- Mr E. Omičević, EU AFSJ agencies and related bodies as global actors in the fight against crime: accountability for fundamental rights violations (27/01/2020 - 26/01/2024)
- Mrs T.I. Oost, Development of international customary law on restitution of stolen cultural goods (1/04/2009 - 31/03/2013)
- Mrs S. Oosterhuis, Past, present and future: positioning the Boards of Appeal of European Union agencies in the European Administration (1/03/2021 - 28/02/2025)
- Mr A. Ortega Navarro, Economic sanctions in international law: drawing the line between enforcement, coercion and intervention (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr J. Ouyang, Servitisation at the intersection of property and contract The law and governance of servitisation to foster sustainable consumption and consumer social responsibilities (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs A.M. Overheul, Publiek gefinancierde compensatiesystemen (1/02/2020 - 31/01/2024)
- Mr N. Parthenopoulos, Cross-border access to social security in EU Member States: Securing social protection for families (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs C. Pasquale, The Vienna Convention (CISG) as a post-modern European sales law code (1/09/2016 - 30/06/2020)
- Mr K. Pedrosa, Tackling air pollution: towards an adequate legal protection (1/10/2018 - 30/09/2022)
- Mr F.A.J. Peerboom, Targeting states and victimising non-state actors. A legal scrutiny of instrumentalised migration to the EU and beyond (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs D. Petropoulou Ionescu, Transparency and participation in the EU soft law making process in European environmental regulation (15/08/2022 - 14/08/2025)
- Mr M. Pimentel, International Aspects of a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) in Europe
International Aspects of a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) in Europe
International Aspects of a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) in Europe (1/09/2008 - 31/08/2012)
- Mr E.J.H. Plambeck, Legitimate and Effective Water Management in the European
Union: the Stakeholders Perspective in Times of Proceduralisation (15/10/2013 - 14/10/2016)
- Mrs Prof P.J. van der Plank, Accession to immovables (1/11/2007 - 31/08/2015)
- Mrs A.M. Pleniceanu, Human rights in books versus human rights in action exploring the capabilities of the Fundamental Rights Agency and of the Council of Europe in bridging the gaps in the governance of EU fundamental rights (14/01/2021 - 13/12/2025)
- Ms J.A. Pol, Arbitration of Disputes Related to National Security Screening of Foreign Investments (1/01/2009 - 31/12/2013)
- Mrs A.M.C. Polman, Milieurecht en luchtvaart (1/09/1999 - 30/06/2005)
- Mr C.W. Rebel, Contractual relationships between (both listed and non-listed) companies and its various shareholders (1/12/2022 - 30/11/2026)
- Mrs I.M. Reinders, Custody disputes after divorce (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2026)
- Mr J. Reniers, Risk-allocation in case of systemic risks in contract law: towards a more flexible approach (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mr T. Renoux, A comparative approach to plants intellectual property rights (1/08/2012 - 31/07/2015)
- Mrs J. Richelle, Does the EU suffer from an environmental democratic deficit? Access to information and public participation in environmental decision-making in a comparative perspective (1/02/2021 - 31/01/2025)
- Mrs M. De Ridder, EU electoral law in need of uniformity? A comparative analysis of EU electoral law and US electoral law in
light of democratic legitimacy (16/03/2020 - 15/03/2024)
- Mr R.P.J. Ritsema, Naming legislation within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, past, present & future (1/04/2021 - 31/03/2026)
- Mrs L.A. van Roermund, Artificial reproductive technologies and parentage law in the Netherlands: towards a future-proof regulatory
framework (1/05/2023 - 30/04/2028)
- Mr R. Rooman, International civil litigation (1/10/2023 - 30/06/2027)
- Mr GLH van Rosmalen, Collective bargaining in current competition law (1/09/2022 - 31/05/2026)
- Mrs T. Rotscheid, Water Framework Directive before and after 2027 (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr L. Van Roy, The ability-to-pay principle in liability and criminal law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs M. Ruelens, Chinas Impact on the Development of International Law. A Study of Chinas State Practice in the United
Nations Security Council (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs F.S.M. Ruitinga, The protection of commercial parties: a comparison between the commercial agent, franchisee and other distributor with regards to the termination of the contract (15/10/2022 - 14/10/2026)
- Mrs V.J. Salles Viera Pinto, Between heritage and concealment: How to reconcile the right to know of adoptees and the right to privacy of biological families in France, Italy, and the Netherlands (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mr M.C. Sati, Lethal use of weaponized artificial intelligence and the law of armed conflict: Legal and ethical perspectives (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mr E.V. van der Schee, Liability as incentive for prevention of work-related health risks? (1/10/2010 - 30/09/2014)
- Mr M. Schellemans, The impact of filter bubbles and algorithmic personal pricing in the digital platform economy on consumer protection rights (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs De Schepper, The principle of unity in property law (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2027)
- Mrs E. Schiepers, Social enterprises and taxation (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs N.A. Schipper, Fundamentals of redress for victims of crime through criminal proceedings (15/10/2017 - 15/06/2021)
- Ms B.A. Schmahl, De vertegenwoordigingslegitimatie bij collectief onderhandelen; over representiviteit en onafhankelijkheid van vakbonden en ondernemingsraden bij collectieve arbeidsvoorwaardenvorming. (1/12/2006 - 30/11/2009)
- Mr E. Schoone, Valuing biodiversity in the Flemish law and practice (16/10/2022 - 15/10/2026)
- Mrs A.I. Schreuder, Fault and damages: the influence of (the degree of) fault on the size of damage (awards) (1/09/2015 - 31/08/2019)
- Mrs F. Schuthof, A new balance between empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs K. Schuurman, Private, not unseen: Unpacking childrens (privacy) rights in the digital age (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs E. Sevrin, The legal position of non-returnable migrants: Limbo without harmonization? (1/10/2022 - 30/09/2028)
- Mrs G. Shen, Mixed Ownership Reform and Employee Participation in Chinas State-Owned Enterprises: From the Perspective of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs D. Sihite, Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulation in Indpnesia: A Case Study in Meratus Mountain Conservation Area, South Kalimantan (1/09/2011 - 31/08/2014)
- Mrs J. Da Silva Albino, Public-private partnership in intellectual property: how to manage intellectual property to achieve the renewable energy provision to developing countries (1/03/2013 - 28/02/2015)
- Mr Silva de Freitas, Litigation crowdfunding: a legal and empirical analysis (1/12/2020 - 28/02/2025)
- Mr L.R.M. Siry, The Paris Agreement and Domestic Climate Change Litigation: Shifting from Vague to Concrete Commitments (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr M. Slonina, Declaration of Enforcability (1/01/2004 - 30/04/2009)
- Mrs I.M. Smits, The influence of (European) migration law on general administrative law (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs L. Solaro, European Cases in US Courts: A Critical Review of the Shortcomings Entailed by the US Judicial Hegemony in Nazi Looted Art Cross-border Litigation (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mr A. Soroiu, A globalised European standardisation system: Tracing and addressing the challenges (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr F. Spera, The use of soft-law in regulating the external action of the EU: to what extent the Union is contributing to the creation of the international soft law? (15/01/2020 - 31/01/2024)
- Mr O. Spijkers, The United Nations and the Evolution of Global Values (1/02/2006 - 31/05/2010)
- Mr J.H. van Staalduinen, Medical liability and AI (1/10/2021 - 30/09/2027)
- Mrs A.C. Stalenhoef, Legal foundations of cross-border motor third party liability insurance claims (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mr P. Stamoulis, Labelling of Products and the Rules of the World Trade Organization (1/09/2004 - 31/08/2008)
- Mr C. Stewart, The Climate Emergency and Landownership in Scotland (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs F. van der Stoel, Liability for enforcement of intellectual property rights: a comparative law perspective (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs V. Stoeva, Towards regulation of assisted reproduction technologies in Europe (1/10/2016 - 30/09/2020)
- Mr T. Tadesse Tesfaslassie, Illegal logging in Europe: A compliance analysis building on the EU Deforestation-Free Regulation, Law and Practice (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr J. van der Tang, Financing of class actions (1/03/2020 - 29/02/2024)
- Mr T. Tang, The Application of Consumer Choice in Competition Law Regulation of Internet Industry (1/12/2012 - 30/11/2015)
- Mr R.L.N. Tans, Five years after the migration crisis: how successful have the European and national frameworks been in integrating migrants in the labour market and providing them with access to education? (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2024)
- Mr A. Tavakolnia, Mass harm reorganizations: a fresh start from enterprise-threatening anticommons or a tyranny of the majority? (1/01/2022 - 31/12/2027)
- Mrs C. Teuwens, Integrity in the judiciary: who guards the guardians? (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs L.E.A. Thomsin, The procedural rights of beneficiaries of state aid in the EU enforcement of state aid law (1/10/2015 - 30/09/2019)
- Mrs R.C.E. van Tilburg, Standardization of damages and related compensation (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs M. Tollenaar, NWA-ORC project Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs Y.H. Tran, Trans-boundary Fisheries Management Cooperation in the South China Sea: An International Law Perspective (1/03/2014 - 28/02/2018)
- Mr G.L. Traverso, Green consumption: consumer law, consumer activism and the right to repair (1/07/2024 - 30/06/2030)
- Mrs J. Trifunović, May it please the rule of law? A comparative study into the desirability and scope of independent judicial research in contemporary criminal adjudication (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Mr S. Vacarelu, Cultural values and Civil litigation (1/03/2010 - 28/02/2014)
- Mr I. Val, The Code of Computer Intelligence for sustainable agriculture (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs A.M. Vandekerkhove, How to deal with conflicts between European law and international law at the domestic level - a tax
perspective (1/10/2022 - 30/09/2026)
- Mrs J. Vandenbulcke, Market Transparency of Animal Source Foods Alternatives to achieve consumer choice: an intercontinental perspective (20/09/2017 - 19/09/2023)
- Mrs M. Vanderhaegen, Towards a balanced EU intellectual property framework that supports a well-functioning right to repair - breaking and fixing barriers (1/10/2023 - 30/09/2027)
- Mr W. Vandermeulen, Medieval scholastics, German ordoliberalism and EU Competition Law; a History of Ideas (1/09/2021 - 30/06/2027)
- Mrs A. Vanhellemont, Towards an EU environmental code (16/09/2017 - 15/09/2023)
- Mrs F. Vanswijgenhoven, Werking van de goede trouw in het vennootschapsrecht (1/09/2022 - 1/09/2026)
- Mrs F. Vavourakis, Use of Water: Article 3.43 new Belgian Property Code and the transgenerational protection of common goods (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs H.M. Veenstra, Uitleg van contracten (1/01/2004 - 31/12/2007)
- Mrs L.W. Verboeket, The public prize. Research into the allocation of public funds via innovation awards (1/01/2017 - 31/12/2021)
- Mr B.T. Verdam, Tort law and its regulatory functions in relation to new risks (1/01/2020 - 31/12/2023)
- Mr T.J. Verdonk, Market power in agribusiness: An antitrust perspective (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2021)
- Mr R. Verdoodt, Distributional considerations in EU competition law (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mrs L. Verhaegen, The equity holder in insolvency law (2/09/2024 - 1/09/2028)
- Mrs M. Verhagen, Industrial citizenship: the relationship between individual and collective citizenship of employees (1/09/2016 - 31/08/2010)
- Mr A. Verhees, Consumer protection in financial law (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs M.D. Verhoef, The entitlement to water. Where does public law end and private law begin? (1/12/2022 - 30/11/2026)
- Mrs M. Vermeer, Internationaal privaatrechtelijke aspecten van onrechtmatige gedragingen op Internet (1/02/1998 - 30/11/2002)
- Mrs E.E. Vermeulen, Protecting property properly - Capabilitarian contributions to the human right to property (1/03/2019 - 28/02/2023)
- Mr J. Vermeulen, Internal asset (de-)partitioning in corporate group and the insolvency hypothesis (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr W. Verrijdt, The right of individual petition before the ECtHR: a guarantee for the effectiveness of human rights? (6/03/2006 - 31/12/2013)
- Mrs E.B.C. Verscheure, In search of the foundations for a civil legal framework for cohousing. Comparative legal lessons for Flanders (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs J.H.G. Verweij-Hoogendijk, Interfamilial immunity to liability? The role of family relationships in tort law and insurance (law) (15/08/2019 - 14/08/2024)
- Mrs N.M. Vissers, Safeguarding Democracy in the EU Member States (1/04/2023 - 31/03/2029)
- Mrs A. de Vries, Liability for intermediaries (1/09/2014 - 31/08/2018)
- Mrs N.H.G. de Vries, Breach of duty of care of parents towards their childeren and possible consequences (1/01/2007 - 31/12/2009)
- Mr E.P.J. Vrinds, Die staatsangehörigkeitsrechtliche Position des minderjährigen Kindes im Rechtsvergleich in den NL, B, A und D. (1/09/2002 - 31/08/2006)
- Mr T.M. Vroegop, Credit is key - Asset acquisition finance devices; a critical analysis of the DCFR (1/01/2011 - 31/12/2014)
- Mrs I.M. de Waal, The relation between the European chemicals, product and waste legislation in the light of stimulating the transition towards a circular economy (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs V.A. van Waarde, Revolving instead of subsidizing. Revolving funds as financial instrument of the government (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs R. Wang, Legal reform of ESG disclosure: A comparative analysis of the EU, the US and China (1/05/2024 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs M. Wang, Post-conflict Peacebuilding under International Environmental Law: A Focus on Transboundary Watercourses and Aquifers (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mr M.H.L. Warnez, Protecting rainbow families through free movement and beyond (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr J. Wassink, Legal causation and norm relativity: establishing (the scope of) liability for fault (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2026)
- Mr P. Weber, Singular Succession and Substitution of Parties in Swiss Civil Procedure (1/01/2009 - 31/07/2010)
- Mrs M.W. Wessel, At the crossroads of public and private law. Financial regulation and supervision in the US, the EU and The Netherlands. A comparative approach (1/05/2009 - 30/04/2013)
- Mr R. van de Westelaken, Positive obligations under the ECHR (1/11/2005 - 31/10/2011)
- Mrs L. Wijns, Current developments in youth protection law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs K. Willekens, Public procurement as a key to social Europe? (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs N.S. de With, Incomplete execution of imprisonment sentences (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs A.H.H. Wouters, The role of the Dutch government in delivering collective redress for consumers (1/02/2020 - 31/01/2024)
PhD Projects by Programme