European Family Law
- A. Fuchs, K. Boele-Woelki (eds.), Same-Sex Relationships and Beyond (3rd edition) (2017, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-447-5, xii + 248 p.) Vol. 42
- M.N. Jänterä-Jareborg (eds.), The Child's Interests in Conflict (2016, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-346-1, xii + 206 p.) Vol. 41
- A. Büchler, H. Keller (eds.), Family Forms and Parenthood (2016, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-340-9, xxiv + 546 p.) Vol. 40
- N.V. Nikolina, Divided Parents, Shared Children (2015, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-341-6, xii + 232 p.) Vol. 39
- K. Boele-Woelki, C.R. Mol, E. van Gelder (eds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume V - Informal Relationships (2015, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-324-9, xx + 1170 p.) Vol. 38
- J. Asland, T. Sverdrup, A. Singer, I. Lund-Andersen, M. Brattström, G. Lind, Nordic Cohabitation Law (2015, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-324-9, xii + 276 p.) Vol. 37
- C. Fenton-Glynn, Children's Rights in Intercountry Adoption. A European Perspective (2014, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-1-78068-228-0, 320 p.) Vol. 36
- K. Boele-Woelki, N. Dethloff, W. Gephart (eds.), Family Law and Culture in Europe: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities (2014, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-1-78068-159-7, 350 p.) Vol. 35
- P. Beuermann (ed.), Der nacheheliche Unterhalt. Grundlagen und Ausgestaltung im deutschen Unterhaltsrecht und in den Prinzipien der Commission on European Family Law (2013, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-17-8068-170-2, 400 p.) Vol. 34
- M.N. Jänterä-Jareborg, W. Pintens, N. Lowe, F. Ferrand, K. Boele-Woelki, D. Martiny, C. Gonzalez Beilfuss, Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property Relations Between Spouses (2013, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-1-78068-152-8, xiv + 420 p.) Vol. 33
- K. Boele-Woelki, A. Fuchs (eds.), Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships in Europe. National, cross-border and European perspectives (2nd edition) (2012, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-1-78068-045-3, xvi + 312 p.) Vol. 32
- C. Sörgjed, Reconstructing Marriage. The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society (2012, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-1-78068-037-8, xx + 360 p.) Vol. 31
- J. Mair, E. Örücü (eds.), The Place of Religion in Family Law: A Comparative Search (2011, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-1-78068-015-6, xvi + 386 p.) Vol. 30
- K. Boele-Woelki, J.M. Scherpe, J. Miles (eds.), The Future of Family Property in Europe (2011, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-94-0000-054-4, xxii + 434 p.) Vol. 29
- Y. Favier, F. Ferrand (eds.), La justice des mineurs en Europe (2011, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-94-0000-106-0, 182 p.) Vol. 28
- J. Mair, E. Örücü (eds.), Juxtaposing Legal Systems and the Principles of European Family Law on Parental Responsibilities (2009, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-979-7, xiv + 326 p.) Vol. 27
- Chr. Castelein, R. Foqué, A.L.P.G. Verbeke (eds.), Imperative Inheritance Law in a Late-Modern Society (2009, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-952-0, xv + 224 p.) Vol. 26
- R. Blauwhoff, Foundational Facts, Relative Truths. A Comparative Law Study on Children’s Right to Know Their Genetic Origins (2009, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-913-1, xix + 462 p.) Vol. 25
- I. Curry-Sumner, K. Boele-Woelki, B. Braat (eds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume IV - Property Relations between Spouses (2009, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-893-6, xxvi + 1242 p.) Vol. 24
- K. Boele-Woelki (ed.), Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (2009, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-875-2, xx + 416 p.) Vol. 23
- Ch.G. Jeppesen de Boer, Joint Parental Authority. A Comparative Legal Study on the Continuation of Joint Parental Authority after Divorce and the Breakup of a Relationship in Dutch and Danish Law and the CEFL Principles (2008, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-800-4, xviii + 342 p.) Vol. 22
- L. Francoz-Terminal, La capacité de l'enfant dans les droits français, anglais et écossais (2008, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-775-5, xv + 557 p.) Vol. 21
- M.J. Vonk, Children and Their Parents. A comparative study of the legal position of children with regard to their intentional and biological parents in English and Dutch law (2007, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-732-3, xx + 304 p.) Vol. 20
- K. Boele-Woelki, T. Sverdrup (eds.), European Challenges in Contemporary Family Law (2008, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-692-0, xx + 424 p.) Vol. 19
- M.V. Antokolskaia (ed.), Convergence and Divergence of Family Law in Europe (2007, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-690-4, xiv + 282 p.) Vol. 18
- J. Mair, E. Örücü (eds.), Juxtaposing Legal Systems and the Principles of European Family Law on Divorce and Maintenance (2007, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-577-0, xviii + 270 p.) Vol. 17
- F. Ferrand, D. Martiny, W. Pintens, N. Lowe, C. Gonzalez Beilfuss, K. Boele-Woelki, M.N. Jänterä-Jareborg, Principles of European Family Law Regarding Parental Responsibilities (2007, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-645-9, xvi + 332 p.) Vol. 16
- I. Schwenzer (eds.), Tensions between legal, biological and social conceptions of parentage (2007, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-646-7, xxxii + 392 p.) Vol. 15
- K. Boele-Woelki, C. Gonzalez Beilfuss (eds.), Brussels II bis. Its Impact and Application in the Member States (2007, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 978-90-5095-644-4, xiii + 323 p.) Vol. 14
- M.V. Antokolskaia, Harmonisation of Family Law in Europe - A Historical Perspective (2006, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-576-2, xxviii + 566 p.) Vol. 13
- I. Schwenzer, Model Family Code. From a Global Perspective (2006, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-590-8, xii + 256 p.) Vol. 12
- I. Curry-Sumner, All's well that ends registered? The Substantive and Private International Law Aspects of Non-Marital Registered Relationships in Europe (2005, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-532-0, xxvi + 600 p.) Vol. 11
- K. Boele-Woelki (ed.), Common Core and Better Law in European Family Law (2005, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-475-8, xi + 372 p.) Vol. 10
- K. Boele-Woelki, B. Braat, I. Curry-Sumner (eds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume III - Parental Responsibilities (2005, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-443-X, xviii + 821 p.) Vol. 9
- H. Warendorf, I. Curry-Sumner, Inheritance Law Legislation of the Netherlands (2005, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-444-8, xii + 108 p.) Vol. 8
- F. Ferrand, C. Gonzalez Beilfuss, D. Martiny, K. Boele-Woelki, W. Pintens, M.N. Jänterä-Jareborg, Principles of European Family Law Regarding Divorce and Maintenance Between Former Spouses (2004, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-426-X, xii + 170 p.) Vol. 7
- B. Braat, Indépendance et interdépendance des époux dans le régime matrimonial légal des droits français, néerlandais et suisse (2004, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 37-2722-164-X, 400 p.) Vol. 6
- H. Warendorf, I. Curry-Sumner, Family Law Legislation of the Netherlands (2003, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-340-9, xviii + 260 p.) Vol. 5
- K. Boele-Woelki, Perspectives for the Unification and Harmonisation of Family Law in Europe (2003, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-287-9, xxv + 573 p.) Vol. 4
- K. Boele-Woelki, B. Braat, I. Curry-Sumner (eds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume II - Maintenance between Former Spouses (2003, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-296-8, xxiii + 495 p.) Vol. 3
- B. Braat, K. Boele-Woelki, I. Curry-Sumner (eds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume I - Grounds for Divorce (2003, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-295-X, xxiii + 466 p.) Vol. 2
- K. Boele-Woelki, A. Fuchs (eds.), Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples in Europe (2003, Intersentia, Antwerpen, ISBN 90-5095-297-6, xvi + 323 p.) Vol. 1
European Family Law
The European Family Law series is a book series dedicated to the harmonisation and unification of family and succession law in Europe. The series includes comparative legal studies and materials as well as studies on the effects of international and European law making on the national legal systems in Europe.
The books are published under the auspices of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law:
Katharina Boele-Woelki (NL)
Frédérique Ferrand (FR)
Cristina González Beilfuss (ES)
Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg (SV)
Nigel Lowe (UK)
Dieter Martiny (DE)
Walter Pintens (BE)