van Gerven Lectures
- B. Fauvarque-Cosson, Seventh Walter van Gerven Lecture. The Rise of Comparative Law: a Challenge for Legal Education in Europe (2007, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen)
- J.H.M. van Erp, Sixth Walter van Gerven Lecture. European and National Property Law: Osmosis or Growing Antagonism? (2006, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen)
- P. Eeckhout, Fifth Walter van Gerven Lecture. Does Europe's Constitution stop at the water's edge? Law and policy in the EU's external relations. (2005, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen)
- G. de Búrca, Fourth Walter van Gerven Lecture. The EU Constitution: in Search of Europe's International Identity. (2005, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen)
- D.M. Curtin, Third Walter van Gerven Lecture. Mind the Gap: the Evolving EU Executive and the Constitution. (2004, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen)
- B. de Witte, Second Walter van Gerven Lecture. The National Constitutional Dimension of European Treaty Revision. Evolution and Recent Debates. (2004, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen)
- C.W.A. Timmermans, First Walter van Gerven Lecture. Company Law as Ius Commune? (2002, Intersentia, Antwerp - Oxford - New York)
Walter van Gerven Lectures
Wouter Devroe (Leuven)
Dimitri Droshout (Leuven)
Michael Faure (Maastricht)